Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bachelor Recap- Brad on a Mission

I just about died during his therapy session when they referred to this "experience" as Brad's mission. Seriously? Who knew finding love was like finding Bin Laden or launching a space craft? Those kind of buzz words really get to me. Allow me to add to the list for a moment:
-"here for the right reasons"
-"steal him for a moment"
Ok just had to get that off my chest.

I heard an interview from Chris Harrison regarding the awkward date location for Emily. He basically copped right to it- it made for great tv. And that it did. That girl handled it like a champ. If you ask me, it was the right amount of tears and hope. Like she said, one lap for Ricky and one for her. Well said. This girl should be a tv host. She can do no wrong. Loved her turquoise cover up and how she said, "I'm normally a lot of fun". Haha- it's like ABC is trying to break this bitch down. Way to go Em- you're a trooper. My prediction is Brad totally falls for her but in the end, she leaves the show. Definitely next Bachelorette. But since I can't go so lightly on any girl- I have to confess.... the whole "Ricky" thing totally makes me giggle inside thinking of Talladega Nights. Sorry- had to do it. See, I even feel guilty making fun of her and I don't even know her- points for you girl!

Shawntel- still confused a bit by her. I really like her one minute and the next I think she is extremely socially awkward. She needs to seriously try to "style" her hair at some point. And really- that's the Fendi bag you chose? 5 grande on that old carpet bag? On the other hand, loved how she ate her dinner (ON CAMERA) while discussing how to embalm a dead dude. That just speaks to the nurse in me :)

Chantal- I really wish he had sent you home. I used to like you but all you do is cry cry cry. And it looks like that's all you are going to do in upcoming episodes. Get a grip!

Michelle- There is absolutely NO excuse for the zebra print dress you wore! You obviously aren't making any friends in the house, otherwise, one of them would have had the balls to tell you to change. P.S. Trying so hard to be sexy and domineering merely makes you desperate and domineering. Lord help us all with this one. You drive me nuts Michelle, but I would be sad to see your drama go.

Allie- So you don't feel special huh? Well looks like you cried enough tears to get Brad to pity you enough to bring out an odd little dessert. Lucky you. Feel better? I bet you last one more week.

Ashley and Ashley- I still can't figure which is which. You are interchangeable to me. They were a real snoozefest of besties. I bet these two have a freaky side though. Can't you just see them appearing on Bachelor Pad and being drunken sorority girls? Also, I hate that type of date- neither is good at acting or acrobats and yet we are forced to watch this crap. The one redeeming factor... Brad in those hideous shorts- hahahaha. I had to pause it and call in Ryan to take a look at that shit.

No surprises at the rose ceremony as far as I'm concerned. Still don't even know the ladies he sent packing- good last ditch effort though Marissa- if you had had a personality, I think you might have had a shot. I'm not really getting the Brit connection- especially with her Heidi of the mountain braid. Hmmm... we'll see how long she makes it. I can't really see a home town date with her- it might be weird for Brad to meet the folks and sheep and goats and cattle etc.

Till next week...

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