Monday, June 6, 2011

The bachelorette-Bad News Bentley, Your Hair Didn't Look Good

I may be just a nurse, but here's my diagnosis of Bentley (thanks wikipedia):
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder described as a prolonged disturbance of personality function in a person (generally over the age of eighteen years, although it is also found in adolescents), characterized by depth and variability of moods.[n 1]The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black and white thinking, orsplitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.

This guy is a real creep. Someone needs to check his dryer for any missing cats. Seriously, I'm thinking sociopath. Everybody has dated a scumbag but this douche is just mean. I think he really enjoyed watching her suffer and that was just plain cruel to watch (albeit entertaining). I feel super worried about his daughter. Poor little Cozy!! (sidenote on the name- did a little research and I think we can all relax on the name thing. Her actual name is Cozette- pretty cute!) So it just clicked for me who Michelle Money is, but she's the little hooch who kept climbing all over Brad last season. So that makes sense to me. Bentley and Michelle are both from Utah and like Carrie pointed out today- crazy attracts crazy. So of course she would know him. I really can't figure out why Ashley didn't listen to her- she's a fool. The worst part, on Ashley's blog today she tells us that this is not the last we will see of him this season- YIKES!!!

So I'm a little torn on Ashley. I feel like she is SO not ready for being the Bachelorette. The girl needs a shit ton of therapy before doing a show like this. She has major issues with self confidence and doesn't seem to have a real grasp of who she is or what she has going for herself. Very skewed self image if you ask me. On the other hand, she totally knew what she was getting into. Shit girl, you were just on The Bachelor! It can't be a surprise to you that not ALL 25 men will want to date you or that they aren't all here for the right reasons. Get a grip! Shit, if I took 5 of my best girlfriends and asked them to agree on one great guy, they never would. Why on earth does she think they ALL need to love her? I get that you are a little nervous that Emily was more popular. She was. She always will be. But you aren't a loser. Embrace what you got and know what you like. Be real. Do you really want to marry a man that had to wear a mask around you for the first 7 days? Or do you really see yourself with a stand up comedian for a husband while you run your own dental practice? I mean I don't think I'd want to spend my life with a man who just told national television just how flat my boobs are! It's ok to say "you ain't it". She's so freakin open that she makes herself an easy target. Frankly, I find it immature. And for the record, you didn't love Bentley or Brad. You probably just really wanted to F*$A% him! Yeah I said it. And most of us have been there. But girl, that ain't love. That's hot sex.

Honestly, this season is one fat train wreck. It's going to be a season of watching this little sweet pea fall apart and try to pick herself back up. It's hard to even address the other contestants at this point. Clearly, it doesn't matter. I can't see her being in a good relationship any time in the near future. She's got some work to do. I think there are some great guys for her but she's truly incapable of seeing that at this point. The fact that she saw herself with Bentley in the end with only 1-2 group dates under her belt is scary. The girl is a fool. Bentley should be shot. Here's a picture of his ex wife, Suzette (hmm... Cozette and Suzette???) Yeah, I see the Emily resemblance for sure. What a creep. The sad thing is, some other hot mess will totally fall for him. And to whoever that girl is.... you were warned!

Suzette the ex!

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